Healthy Starts for Families

Smart choices, bright futures.
It all adds up.

Why not make healthy living fun? Juice Plus+ supports the future of hundreds of thousands of kids through Healthy Starts for Families. With an adult sponsor, kids aged 4 to 21 receive free Juice Plus+ Essentials Fruit and Vegetable products. The best part? Mum or dad, auntie, best friend, or family friends can be the sponsor - because you care about your people and want to see them thrive.

How does it work

Buy Fruit & Vegetable Blend capsules for yourself.
Choose a young person aged 4 to 21 to sponsor. They will receive free Fruit & Vegetable Blend capsules or chewables in your shipment.
You cover the cost of shipping.
You both take Juice Plus+ daily, make other healthy diet and lifestyle changes, and share your progress in optional surveys.

The Building Blocks of a Healthy Lifestyle

Focus on 4 key areas of wellness to help you and your family get a healthy start.


Eating well means eating with balance and making sure we get enough fruits and vegetables in our diet. As parents, we all want to give our children the best start in life that we possibly can. We know it’s important to fuel their growing bodies and minds so our little ones can get the most out of each day. Don't forget adults need it too!


Our bodies simply cannot function properly without enough sleep. Improving your relationship with sleep will not only help you, it will also set good examples for your little ones who need sleep even more than adults!


The body needs water to function properly – which makes sense given that we are made up of 50 - 65% of the stuff and the brain alone is 75% water! The benefits of maintaining hydration are far reaching; it helps with digestion, brain function, circulation, hormones, nerves and even skin health.


A healthy lifestyle is an active lifestyle. Whether you exercise for a few minutes longer every day or set yourself new fitness goals, the important thing is to motivate your family to be more active so that everyone stays healthy.

More than Juice Plus+

A Positive Addition to Everyday Nutrition

Getting more fruit and vegetable nutrition every day with Juice Plus+ supports a bright future with healthier habits for you and your loved ones. 

We’ve got the numbers to prove it. 89% of survey respondents report that Healthy Starts for Families has enhanced their young person’s overall health and wellness habits.

Since joining the Healthy Starts for Families programme, families have shared with us*:

71% were consuming less fast food and soft drinks 61% were eating more fruits and vegetables 71% were drinking more water 60% were missing fewer days of school
71% were consuming less fast food and soft drinks
61% were eating more fruits and vegetables
71% were drinking more water
60% were missing fewer days of school

*As reported for over 20 years by the 250,000 adult respondents who shared their families’ progress toward better health, focusing on Nutrition, Fitness, Hydration, and Sleep through the Healthy Starts for Families programme.